Sunday, March 18, 2012

Coming through!

Some of us have vices, others have areas that could be improved ... potentially. Hopefully. One of my lesser sides, besides my modesty, has always been my bottomless lack of patience. I just for some odd reason seem to be always in a hurry and it doesn't really even matter where to - this relates to every single aspect of my life.

In the morning I am in hurry to get to work on time. At work I am in hurry to finish million things at once. While having conversations I am in hurry to have the other person get to the point - I might in fact say the point myself if I feel the other person is taking too long [and so many of them are]. Yes, I am one of those irritating people who might finish your sentence. If my computer jams for a second, I have probably already clicked countless times and hit the table [cursing] with my mouse so that once things start to move again, I have unintentionally closed all programs without saving anything and my mouse is in 3 parts. While I walk, I do so relatively fast and with clear purpose - no strolling around for me and God forbid if one of those Sunday walkers or dreamers block my way - I will hiss like an angry cat.

Apparently I also talk very fast. I thought that would be only possible in your native language but no, it seems that one can pass that quality fairly easily to other languages as well. I recently was in a client meeting in Thailand where, after I had spoken about 7 words, the client kindly asked me to speak slower. Much slower. I did my best but it felt so unnatural that I was secretly convinced they would think I am mistaking them for mentally challenged people.

It actually gets so bad that I am even in hurry to relax. Well, I should say I am in hurry to learn to relax because relaxing would require patience which I didn't have in the first place. I've picked up numerous times "The Power of Now" and given up after two pages since I couldn't even concentrate on a theory that doesn't move forward. Don't get me wrong - I would LOVE to be able to enjoy NOW, it is just that I don't have time for it! My mind is already in tomorrow or the day after so how on earth am I supposed to reverse back to now?

When I book a holiday it seems that the actual planning and booking phase is the most exciting - usually by the time I get to the actual destination I am already thinking of where to go next. I detest any kind of tours, if it was up to me I'd probably drive with a taxi past the Eiffel tower, ask the driver to stop for 2 minutes so that I can snap a photo and then ask him to speed to Hotel Costes for an afternoon brunch.

Talking of traveling, one the most agonizing points is the following ritual [which I unfortunately go through almost every week]: rush to get to the airport on time, rush through those bloody security checks and get my laptop out the bag [WHY??], then rush through the terminal to the right gate, go through yet another security check, then rush into the airplane because I am stressed that there won't be enough luggage space for me if I arrive later, due to those annoying people who, like me, take everything they own in their carry-on luggage; subsequently I stress that I won't have time to finish the movie I am watching before we land and that the stewardess will want to have my headphones back before the movie ends. And once landed, again the same rush to stand up as soon as possible, grab the bags, rush through the crowd to the passport control. Stress, stress and more stress ... for what? For absolutely nothing.

I've only encountered one thing in life that manages slow me down a bit - physical exercise [which, quite typically I also abhor]. It seems that when I am physically tired or alternatively, seriously ill, I am finally at peace and in no hurry anywhere. I might be even nice. So, one would think that the problem is pretty easily solved ... just get your butt moving and stop whining. I honestly would, if I would have the time ... it seems being perfect is a bloody full time job!